TriggerEvent('drx_dispatch:client:officerNotification', ...)
---@class Notification
---@field type? 'create' | 'info' | 'success' | 'error' | 'warning' Type of notification, defaults to 'create'
---@field title string Title of the notification
---@field description string | {callsign: string, department: number, rank: number} The description of the notification
---@field content string | table<{icon: string, text: string}> The content of the notification
---@field meta? string The meta of the notification
---@field closable? boolean Whether the notification is closable or not, defaults to true
---@field duration? number The duration of the notification, defaults to 5000
function Notification.officerNotification()
local data = {
id = 2,
title = "John Doe", -- Name
description = {
callsign = "B501", -- Callsign
department = 0, -- Department
rank = 0 -- Rank
content = "Example Default Content",
meta = "Example Default Meta",
duration = 30000,
image = ""
} --[[@as Notification]]
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