Register a weapon
---@param serial string Serial of the weapon
---@param owner {source?: number, stateid?: string} Owner of the weapon (either a player server id or a stateid)
---@param model string Model name of the weapon (eg; weapon_assaultrifle)
---@param label string Name of the weapon (eg; AK 47)
Example using source
local function createWeaponBySource(source)
local serial = '123456789'
local model = 'weapon_assaultrifle'
local label = 'AK 47'
exports.drx_mdt:CreateWeapon(serial, { source = source }, model, label)
Example using stateid
local function createWeaponByStateid(source)
local stateid = exports.drx_mdt:GetStateId({ source = source })
local serial = '123456789'
local model = 'weapon_assaultrifle'
local label = 'AK 47'
exports.drx_mdt:CreateWeapon(serial, { stateid = stateid }, model, label)
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